Eurodollar University

The world is starting to get the idea that rate hikes are not all they're cracked up to be. Yet, we're forced to focus endlessly on the Federal Reserve's interest rate policies. Why? The answer is really simple. More importantly, what's really going on in the economy? That answer is also pretty simple, too.

Eurodollar University's Money & Macro Analysis

Jay Powell Jackson Hole August 2023 Inflation: Progress and the Path Ahead

FOMC Transcript July 2014

Ben Bernanke Jan 2009 The Crisis and the Policy Response

What is Eurodollar University?

Jeff Snider will guide you through the realm of monetary science. Multiple episodes uploaded each week, discussing big news and key current events, the state of markets and what they are telling you, as well as historical summaries and deep background material so that you can understand what’s really going on in this eurodollar’s world.